Sunday, November 11, 2007

One has come and gone....

Todd had his first interview with Ohio State last Thursday. Talk about nerve racking for him. He said that he felt like the interview went well but we just have to wait and continue the interview process until we hear back from any of the schools. He said that Ohio State is a huge University that it's almost overwhelming. But he said it's a very pretty place with nice people, but now on to the next interview. He is flying out to Memphis Tennessee this Thursday for his second interview. We have family that live about a hour away from Memphis so he will have a place to stay. We are so blessed to have that as an option. Todd has a cousin that lives in Ohio so he was able to stay there and save us some money too. We are so grateful for every one's hospitality. The plane tickets alone aren't cheap so saving money where ever we can is nice.
So other than that we are just both still working hard and saving all that we can. Time is surely flying by fast. We can't believe that Christmas is around the corner. These next few months will hopefully be exciting for us. Waiting to hear back from schools is pretty stressful and very hard to be patient. But in the mean time we just keep going about our usual daily tasks and all that good stuff.


Katie said...

Good luck! I love your new look on the blog!

kat and jason said...

hey--you totally should have told me about coming to ohio--he could have stayed here!!! good luck with everything.

Scott and Megan said...

ash I'm so excited for your guys...I don't do well living in limbo either...i want to know what and when and i want to know it now...sheesh! I sure love ya and am glad I have you! Don't you worry, I'm doin better every day! :)

Sarah said...

You wouldn't be ashley if you didn't have a positive attitude!! Good luck with the next interview, we wish you guys the BEST!

Mishlers said...

Oh, good luck with this process! I know it isn't the funnest one, but once you know where you are going it's super exciting!