Sunday, October 5, 2008

I love the Fall

No this is not a picture I took of a pumpkin patch here in Ohio but I found it on the web and wanted to post it because I love this time if the year. The air is so crisp, the colors of the leaves are changing, the aroma of pumpkin spice cooking in the oven, and all the fun crafts that I get back into because of the colder weather.

Since we have moved here about 6 weeks ago Todd and I have made and played with so many friends in our ward. While the guys love watching and yelling at any football game the girls get together and work on some sort of craft. I LOVE IT!!! There are SO many talented and creative women in this ward I can't wait to have them teach me lots of things I have never made before. Right now a few girls in my ward are making up some cute burp rags and these little blankets they can use while they "excuse me" breast feed. They actually call them "Hooter Hiders." I had never heard of them before last night and they seem like they would be pretty cool if you were a nursing mother. Apparently they are being sold for in stores for like 50 bucks. So they have learned how to make them and give them away as gifts to the 21 girls pregnant in my ward. Yep you heard me right 21 women pregnant and that is not to say the ones who are and haven't told us yet. I wonder what's in the water in our ward but I need to get me some of it!!!


Dustin and Cori said...

Hey! I bet it so fun to see all the different things about Ohio. I bet it is beautiful at this time of the year. We miss you!

Dustin and Cori said...

wow!! That many pregnant women - that is crazy!!!

Knapp Time said...

Tahnee and I are looking at your blog together. She says Hi! Those hooter hiders sounds cool, you should post a picture.

cheeks said...

Hey Ashley...I found your blog through Kara's links...thanks for coming to our little shin-dig last night! It's so fun to get to know everyone...definitely learn from the crafty ones in the ward while you're here...(Kara and Kiki are amazing)! I hadn't sewn anything since like 7th grade till i moved here and now you'll want an excuse for the guys to leave so you can get to your projects! Thanks again for coming over!
--Jami Anderton--

Brenda said...

Ash~ It sounds like you and Todd are having a great time so far! It really is exciting, even if you do happen to suffer a case of homesickness from time to time. We are glad all is going well. Maybe we will see ya at Christmas too? =) Take care!

Katie said...

Fun Ash! I'm sure you'll teach them a few crafty things yourself!

Sarah said...

hooter hiders!?! That's awesome! Glad you are feeling more and more comfortable sounds like some really cool people out there to goof around with!

Thanks for your nice comment by the way!:)

Rachelle said...

I can't imagine someone teaching YOU something crafty, Miss Talented. I may need me a hooter hider sometime soon. Heard the football games are a blast too! Love you so much.

Pilar said...

oh you know that i've seen lots of pumpkins in every blog and i didn't know why it was. I started invetigating and i realised that it was because a show in Ohio. But, is it something related to Halloween? Please comment in my blog telling me something about this fantastic tradition because i'm really interested.

Best wishes and a Happy Halloween from Argentina!