Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tatum our little Buddy!!

We have to support
our Buckeyes out here.
They are playing awesome
this year.

Tater Bug and Mommy

The new beanie I made her, I learned a new
stitch and really like the way it turned out.

Can't get enough of this, that is for sure.

And a little more of this.....

I can't imagine life without Tatum, she is so sweet
and has brought us so much joy. Love you Taters!


Perry's said...

Cute pics, she is beautiful just like her mommy. You are always making such fun stuff, now that I am staying you will have to teach me how to make those hats

Monica Smead said...

SO cute Ash! You are so creative, you should start a business!
Miss you terribly!