Tuesday, March 15, 2011

9 months mommy???

We can't believe this little stinker is already over 9 months old. She has just matured right before our eyes. She keeps us on our toes and we love every minute of it. She had her 9 month appointment last week and here are her stats:

Weight: 19 lbs 5 oz. (75%)
Height: 27 inches (50%)
Head Cir: 44 cm. (60%)

Tatum's latest updates are:

*She LOVES to go walking with mommy or daddy's help holding her hands.
*She has almost figured out how to crawl but not quite yet, she can move herself around on her belly and push her self backwards.
*She is a champ with all her solids now. Loves oatmeal, and all her fruits and veggies except squash and green beans.
*She has been feeding herself cereal puffs, yogurt bites, and bites of string cheese.
*She has been pulling her tantrum's whenever we lay her on her back to change her diaper, putting her in her high chair to eat, and some of the time she gets mad when we set her down to play with her toys. She wants to be held and be social I guess.
*Has had more colds this winter than I can count on two hands, she gets one then passes it to me and then we are good for a week then we start it all over again.
*She has NO more blow outs!! Yahoo......don't miss those.
*Went from 3 naps in a day to 2 full naps during the day.
*Is at a hard stage with her clothes. She is too big for the 6 month stuff and too small for the 12 month stuff. I have decided that they don't make a lot of in between sizes like around the 9 month stage. Why is that??
Here she is strutting her stuff walking around the house with daddy.
She loves daddy time and I know that he loves it too.


Knapp Time said...

She is so stinkin cute! I love being able to watch her grow on your blog. Can't wait to see that smiley face again soon.

Laura said...

Tatum is such a doll! I miss her chubs:) I took Trev to doctor last week for ear infection and he weighed 19lbs too! He's losing his fatness:( I love love your new camera, how exciting. Can't wait to see you in April when you come, maybe you can come to Trevor's 1st Birthday if your here.

Tell Todd hello, give Tatum some smooches from us. Love you girl.

Jessica said...

What a cutie pie! I LOVE her hair. I'm not sure what happen but we lost blog access for awhile. Thanks for inviting us again :) Hopefully we see you in Chat-town this weekend.

Mishlers said...

What a cutie! I can't believe she is 9 months! Isn't is crazy how quickly they grow up? How is school going??

Perry's said...

She is just so precious, I really can't believe you were me last year at this time and now she is so big!!!

Chelsea said...

Love her cheeks! So adorable!