Thursday, November 24, 2011

Warning!!! A lot of Pictures.......

The Rumors are true!!! We are expecting baby #2 due May 4th, 2012.
We were SO surprised to hear the news ourselves considering we were not even trying. But we do feel SO blessed cause it was such a long trial getting pregnant with Tatum.

Can't wait to find out what we are having. Here I am 16 1/2 weeks pregnant. This pregnancy is flying by so fast considering the busy last few months we have had and the upcoming busy months ahead.

Sweet Tatum and Me on Thanksgiving Day.

Love this sweetheart, she is growing up too fast on us. Can't believe she is 18 months old.

A few highlights of Tatum in the last few months:

* She knows how to sign the words: water, milk, please, thank-you, more, ball, mommy, daddy, baby, eat, airplane, fish, cat.
* She loves dancing whenever she hears music. She claps her hands, bangs her head, and stomps her feet. It's so cute!!!
* She eats just about anything unless she is not in the mood.
* She loves to copy what mommy does like putting on make-up, brushing her hair, brushing her teeth, making sounds like mommy, pretty much she just loves being right by my side. She is my little side-kick.
* She loves giving kisses and hugs.
* She loves babies and wants to take care of them.
* She loves the shows "Super Why" and "The Cat in the Hat" which we watch almost every morning.
* She can't get enough of chasing our cat Scout. She continues to try and catch him even though he runs away from her every time.
* She loves to play hide and seek, and loves to be chased around the house.

We were able to see the pretty Christmas lights be turned on
for the first time of the season at the Riverwoods Mall in Provo, Utah.
Tatum and most of her cousins from the Olsen side of the family.
It was a sad day leaving our home in Ohio. We will miss it and our friends we left behind.
Who ever said moving was fun??? Especially when you have to drive 28 hours across country to get to your destination in this big truck. Thanks to my amazing Dad for flying out to drive back with me. He was such a trooper since he drove the truck the entire way.
Todd and I in front of our sweet temple in Columbus, Ohio.

Our sweet friend Joni and her son James. We loved
all our fun times together and will miss them dearly.
Hanging out a the pumpkin patch
Friend Halloween Party we went to. And I know.....Yikes my costume is not such a sight to look at, so sorry about that. It was a last minute thing and Todd sported his fake tattoo sleeve.
More of the pumpkin patch

Love this picture of Tatum just watching her cartoons.
We had a fun surprise visit from my sweet Grandpa and Grandma Olsen. They were driving through Columbus on a church history tour across country. Love them!!!
Can you guess if she likes granola bars or not?
The only time my child will ever be this close to a Barney. He freaks me out.
Tatum and I loved going to the Columbus Zoo with our friends.
Future Optometrist maybe??
Tatum loves finding places to hide or hang out in.
We always enjoyed taking Tatum to the pool. We took her to Todd's school
at their indoor pool and she loved it so much.

We celebrated Daddy's 32nd Birthday on October 11th.
Can't believe how fast the years are going anymore.


Taunya and Ian said...

What fun updates! You already look so cute being pregnant! Time is going by fast! I can't wait to find out what you are having. Tatum is growing up so fast..18 months! That is nursery age and that is crazy to think that she is that old!! She is so cute! We hope we can see you guys over the Christmas Holiday! Miss you guys!

Scott and Megan said...

Ashhhhh....Oh, I adore you and love reading about your thoughts. I have felt and do feel so many similar things. Change in life is so, well, interesting indeed! I'm excited for baby #2. Wow, how absolutely wonderful that that has happened. WOW! Thank heavens! How long will you be in Utah and when will you find out where you go next? Let's get together!!XOXOXO

Monica Smead said...

Ashley you look SO cute pregnant! That's so not fair, compared to the whale I was! I was checking to see if you were back yet and I was so excited to see that you are! Let's play, can't wait to see you and Tatum!
Love you,


Tami said...

Ashely!! Congrats on the new babe coming. That is so exciting for you guys. I can't believe your moving back already. That went so fast!! I hope Tatum traveled well. :)

Ally said...


We miss you!:)
