Our sweet baby Kolvin James joined our family at 11:08 pm on Sunday April 29, 2012. He weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. and was 22 inches long. He came a lot quicker than Tatum did. From the time I got admitted to the hospital to having him it was a total of 5 hours and 6 pushes total and he was out!!! I was so surprised and felt so much better this time around. My original due date was May 4th and I was planning on being induced on Tuesday the 1st of May but Kolvin decided that he was going to come on his own time. And it actually worked out better for us because Todd had been in Idaho doing his last Optometry rotation in Idaho and he was able to take the whole week off for me and our sweet new baby arrival. So since I did go into labor earlier it made it so we had more time to spend together as a family. Todd was an amazing coach and I was happy to have my mother there also. She was also a great coach and support for us. I had an "on call" Dr deliver Kolvin and the funny part was he was my old neighbor growing up. He has delivered hundreds and hundreds of babies so he was quick and efficient. I was sad my doctor was unable to deliver but you just have to take it as it comes even if it's not the way you had planned it.
So I had felt some contractions that started Saturday night while Todd and I were at the movies on a date.......yes it has been awhile since we have had a date so it was nice. I had only had two contractions during the movie and they were so random but at least my body was reacting to labor. That night I continued to have random contractions that led into Sunday morning. I decided to stay home from church and let Todd take Tatum with him. By 11 am I passed my mucus plug (I know too much detail, sorry) and that is when I knew I would be having the baby with in the next 24 hours. I took a bath which helped with the contractions and relax me a bit. I took a nap, relaxed in the sun and read a little while getting a little sun on my legs and face all the while timing my contractions. When Todd and Tatum got back from church we went about our regular routines and I just labored mostly at home. I didn't want to go to the hospital too early just in case they sent me back home. Plus my mother in law had made her famous and delicious pot roast dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy, and her homemade rolls. I just had to have some of it before I went to the hospital. I know call me CRAZY but I knew I wouldn't be able to eat once I got admitted. The contractions were very consistent and getting more and more painful so we decided to take me in around 6 p.m.
Once I got there and they checked to see what I was dilated to I was so shocked!!! I was between a 7 and a 8!!! Holy Cow Batman!!! I was WAY farther along than I thought. They asked me if I wanted an epidural and if so I would have to get one immediately cause this baby was coming pretty quick. I replied with a quick YES and they called the anesthesiologist right then to come in. Everything happened so quickly it was nuts. I had heard that with your second baby it would be half the time of labor than your first baby. I just didn't expect it to happen in 5 hours or less. As I had said, it all went smoothly and we felt so blessed and in good hands with the doctor and nurses. When Kolvin came out the cord was wrapped around his neck but the doctor was so swift and quick to get it off. Kolvin got a little but of fluid in his lungs but they were able to clean him all out and he was just fine. He was more of a screamer than Tatum was but it was music to my ears. I just remember watching him from a distance while they cleaned him up and took care of him and how I just wanted to hold him and give him all sorts of kisses from his mommy. You always worry as parents that your baby will be healthy and strong. And he was just that........a healthy 8 lb 9 oz baby. I was again surprised that I carry bigger babies. But I love that they are healthy and happy. We love our chubby babies. Although Kolvin was much skinner than Taters was. He is longer than she was but they both have been good healthy babies and that makes for happy parents.
We feel so blessed to add sweet Kolvin to our family and we are so happy we are living by both our families so they all can share his sweetness too while we are here for just a few more months.
The only hard part for me has been that Todd had to head back to Idaho for his last rotation when Kolvin was only a week old and that broke all our hearts. He only has one month left there but it's still hard to not have him here to see him grow and to help me out with two kids. Todd was able to come home half way through this month to see us and that was nice. We know we still have one more month were we have to be away from each other when he goes to his Officer Training but after that we will be together again in our new home in Florida. We can't wait to start our new adventure together as our new family of 4. It's so amazing how each child can imprint on your heart and make you melt with happiness.
I love being a mother of 2 even if it has it's hard moments. And you forget the lack of sleep that comes with it too. It's all worth it!!! I love my babies!!!
Our first family picture of the 4 of us!!
So I had felt some contractions that started Saturday night while Todd and I were at the movies on a date.......yes it has been awhile since we have had a date so it was nice. I had only had two contractions during the movie and they were so random but at least my body was reacting to labor. That night I continued to have random contractions that led into Sunday morning. I decided to stay home from church and let Todd take Tatum with him. By 11 am I passed my mucus plug (I know too much detail, sorry) and that is when I knew I would be having the baby with in the next 24 hours. I took a bath which helped with the contractions and relax me a bit. I took a nap, relaxed in the sun and read a little while getting a little sun on my legs and face all the while timing my contractions. When Todd and Tatum got back from church we went about our regular routines and I just labored mostly at home. I didn't want to go to the hospital too early just in case they sent me back home. Plus my mother in law had made her famous and delicious pot roast dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy, and her homemade rolls. I just had to have some of it before I went to the hospital. I know call me CRAZY but I knew I wouldn't be able to eat once I got admitted. The contractions were very consistent and getting more and more painful so we decided to take me in around 6 p.m.
Once I got there and they checked to see what I was dilated to I was so shocked!!! I was between a 7 and a 8!!! Holy Cow Batman!!! I was WAY farther along than I thought. They asked me if I wanted an epidural and if so I would have to get one immediately cause this baby was coming pretty quick. I replied with a quick YES and they called the anesthesiologist right then to come in. Everything happened so quickly it was nuts. I had heard that with your second baby it would be half the time of labor than your first baby. I just didn't expect it to happen in 5 hours or less. As I had said, it all went smoothly and we felt so blessed and in good hands with the doctor and nurses. When Kolvin came out the cord was wrapped around his neck but the doctor was so swift and quick to get it off. Kolvin got a little but of fluid in his lungs but they were able to clean him all out and he was just fine. He was more of a screamer than Tatum was but it was music to my ears. I just remember watching him from a distance while they cleaned him up and took care of him and how I just wanted to hold him and give him all sorts of kisses from his mommy. You always worry as parents that your baby will be healthy and strong. And he was just that........a healthy 8 lb 9 oz baby. I was again surprised that I carry bigger babies. But I love that they are healthy and happy. We love our chubby babies. Although Kolvin was much skinner than Taters was. He is longer than she was but they both have been good healthy babies and that makes for happy parents.
We feel so blessed to add sweet Kolvin to our family and we are so happy we are living by both our families so they all can share his sweetness too while we are here for just a few more months.
The only hard part for me has been that Todd had to head back to Idaho for his last rotation when Kolvin was only a week old and that broke all our hearts. He only has one month left there but it's still hard to not have him here to see him grow and to help me out with two kids. Todd was able to come home half way through this month to see us and that was nice. We know we still have one more month were we have to be away from each other when he goes to his Officer Training but after that we will be together again in our new home in Florida. We can't wait to start our new adventure together as our new family of 4. It's so amazing how each child can imprint on your heart and make you melt with happiness.
I love being a mother of 2 even if it has it's hard moments. And you forget the lack of sleep that comes with it too. It's all worth it!!! I love my babies!!!
Our first family picture of the 4 of us!!
Proud Mommy moment
Proud Daddy moment
I love his sweet feet
And his sweet face with all that amazing hair he came here with.
Daddy and his two kids!! That is so weird to say, but awesome.
I did a fun photo shoot with my mom and we were happy with how they turned out. I am not the best but I am pretty happy with how they look. Practicing is all I can do and my children are my guinea pigs.
This is one of my favorite ones. He looks like Tatum here when she was 6 days old too. It's crazy.
Tatum can't get enough of kissing her sweet baby brother. It's so cute.
Proud sister, she loves her sweet baby brother so much and loves to help me give him his binkie and feed him a bottle. She also loves holding him in her lap with mommy or daddy's help of course. She is going to be a big help for me as he continues to grow up. We love sweet Taters!!
Ash..... so happy for you. He is a beautiful boy!! Love that you have two little angels.... one of each!
Such a cutie, and I love his name! So happy for you. Let's get together as much as we can before you leave me forever:)
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