Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Freezing Winters of Ohio

Well for those of you that haven't heard of Ohio's winters well I will give you a brief idea. First off, because of the humidity here the wind in the winter is so bitter cold that it just burns right through your skin to your bones. Seriously, I can't describe how cold it is. Second, also because of the humidity again when it snows it freezes on the ground therefore causing a nice sheet of ice for all the cars to go ice skating on. The worse part about that is they really don't plow the roads like they do in Utah. They are pretty good about the freeways but for some reason the back roads or in town they are slick and scary. Thirdly, the sun hibernates for about 3-4 months from what I hear so we have very gloomy skies with the cold. Don't get me wrong I LOVE the snow but I do miss seeing the clear skies we have back in Utah.

So to protect us we wear A LOT of scarfs and beanies. I guess it's been good to have the ability to make my beanies because Todd wears them all the time here.

The weather was on my mind because it snowed all day long today and by the time I left from work I knew it would take me a while to get home. My normal drive to and from work is usually 20-30 minutes depending on traffic but today it took me an hour to get home!! But I can't complain because Todd tried to leave school at 4 pm and didnt' get home until 6:15 pm. Poor kid was stuck driving the back roads instead of the freeway and he was stuck driving slow for two hours. He too has a commute to school that takes about 20 minutes also. By the time he got home I had shoveled the walks and his parking stall so he could park his car with out getting stuck. I forgot how much of a work out shoveling snow is.......I will be feeling it in my body tomorrow.


Sarah said...

burrrr!! glad you guys made it back home safe after the storm!

In response to your comment on my blog:)
You are so sweet, I know the past several years we have both been very busy. I will never forget our memories we have had together, they are just to fun! I will always cherish your friendship and enjoy each time I see you, even if it is just for 5 min! You are a great friend, and I love ya!

Lacey said...

Ashley! Hi! This is Todd's cousin Alacey. His Aunt Alicia is my mom.
We've only met once very briefly so I don't know if you will remember me.
Anyway, I was on Tania's blog and saw you guys have a blog too! HOW FUN!

You can visit us at

How are you guys liking Ohio? How is Todd doing in school? You guys look like you are having a ton of fun!

Lacey said...

P.S- Here in Arizona we had a high of 71

And, we hav the same blog template!

Sara said...

Don't you just love OHIO weather! It was so bitter cold today. With the wind chill, I heard on the radio it was -10 below!!! And supposedly it is going to be colder tomorrow! Gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

We are having the same weather and it is SO cold!!!!!! I don't ever leave the house unless I absolutely have to!!! I'm not liking this Ohio winter stuff.

Laura said...

I would never leave my HOUSE!!! Your right Utah has beautiful blue skies, but I'm ready for SPRING:)

Lacey said...

We moved from Louisiana to Arizona 6 years ago. Elodie was born in 2004 and we just added Addysen in March of 2008.
We moved out here because Christopher got accepted to the school of Engineering at ASU. He finished his degree in 2007 and now works as a Structural Engineer here in the valley.
We like it here..all of Chris' family is here and I have family close enough in Utah. But it's hard being away from my parents and siblings. We get to see them once a year and my mom comes out once a year too.
How long is the optometry school for Todd?

Jessica said...

Isn't it funny how humidity changes everything. I'm thankful TN doesn't get snow. I had my share of snow in Utah. P.S. Jeff wears the beanie you made him all the time. He actually had it on tonight. P.S. Happy Belated Birthday. I'm right behind you with turning 30. Not fun :)

Sarah Lunt said...

Wish I could tell you that it gets better but that darn gray sky will stick around for several more months!!!! Sad. :(

Meet The Olsens said...

YOu can do it! I am jealous that this is your 3rd. My first will be in May. I think the half is do-able for me but not a full. No thankyou. well mucho love