Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fun "in between" highlights....

"What's that mom? I am six months already?"
Tatum's stats at her 6 month appointment:
weight: 16 lbs. 11 oz. (65%)
height: 25 3/4 inches (50%)
head circumference: 42.5 cm(60%)

These are her lowest stats so far but she still
has plenty of chunkiness on her thighs and
booty so there is no worries there.

How did you want that blow out mom?
All over my white onesie and white jeans??
Okay I can make that possible.

Tatum loves to play with her feet. She especially
likes the taste of them in her mouth.

She is a Styrofoam lover. She loves to chew on the cups
cause I am sure it feels good on her gums.

At one point she was learning how to hold her own bottle,
but that has passed and she wants us to hold it again for her.

We tried Tatum out in our friends jumper and she didn't
seem to like it like we thought she would. She looks
like she is in a partial straight jacket.

We have been trying out rice cereal for a month or so
and she seemed to like it at first and now she refuses.
I hope she takes on solids soon cause she is already 7 months.

One of my favorite pictures......Say "NO" to crack!!

Mommy made me yet another beanie.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

These pictures crack me up! I can't believe she is still having blow outs like that! CRAZY! Her cuteness makes up for it...then again, I'm not the one that has to clean it all up!