Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Boo Boo

Todd had to get ankle surgery because of an old injury he had 4 years ago just before we got married. He tore ligaments, and fractured some bones playing volleyball with his buddies. He has been alright with it if he wears a brace while playing sports but over the years it just got worse. So he finally let the dr scope his ankle and he found a bone spur that had formed there and also several bone fragments that needed to be removed. So he is just in the recovery process and has to be on crutches for 4 weeks then he will have a walking boot for a little longer. He has to be careful for like 3 months and not play active sports so it can heal. We are just both happy that he will heal better this way. He has been a trooper during the healing process. He is loving all the pampering I am giving him, don't let him fool anyone. After a week with the splint on we were able to take it off and begin to move his ankle around very gently. There are only two little holes that are stitched up from the scope.
He didnt' want me to take this picture of him if you can tell. I told him that he needs to remember these memories, plus it needs to go in his scrapbook.

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