Friday, February 22, 2008

What Shall We Do??

I am sitting here at the computer surfing the web and looking at townhomes in Memphis, TN and also in Columbus, OH. I can't belive how cheap the cost of living is back east. Todd and I can't wait to acutally own a place of our own soon. We just need to decide where we are going first. We have prayed a lot about the decision and just can't seem to make up our minds. Both schools are great and everything else about them is awesome. We just need to make up our minds because we know that either of the choices will be a good decision. I guess we were just hoping for some kind of sign that would really stand out to us so we could just say "Okay, that is the school we should go to." But we just sit in limbo for now but we can't for very long. We really need to decide here in the next month so we can start getting stuff ready before we move at the end of the summer. We have been so anxious for the day to come for us to move out of state. Not that we are wishing our time here away but when you see something a head that looks so fun and adventurous you anticipate it. I am already super sad to leave both our families and wonderful friends but it's only 4 years and it will go fast I am sure. We can't believe how fast our first 4 years of marriage has gone. We are coming up on our 4th year annivesary this April. It's crazy to think that when Todd is finally finished with school we will both be the BIG 32 years old!! Now that is frightening to think about so I am not going to talk about that. We look too young to be 28 right now. I have a lot of patients that can't believe my age when I tell them. They always say I look like I am 22. So that young youthful look will be nice when I am in the 40's. Okay, enough rambling on for me. I just had to write what has been on our minds lately. We just sit and wonder which school to go hopefully soon we will have our answer.


Sarah Lunt said...

I totally remember that feeling! All I can say is that people in Columbus are waiting for you with open arms! (grin) No pressure guys will figure it out but gosh in the meantime it really stinks. BTW, did you call the Hicks yet? I'm anxious to hear what you thought after talking to them.

Sarah said...

I tagged you.

Sarah said...

Hey, it's me again. It was fun seeing you at spin! Are you teaching?? If so I want to come to one of your classes sometime!

GOT WOOD said...

hello Smashley! i found your page through Kellie. how are you sweety?

Kellie Knapp said...

GOOD LUCK!!! you will totally make the right choice and it will be FABULOUS to own somthing!!! YEAH! YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! I need lessons on how to be cute like you!

climber said...

Hi this is Brittney's husband, Kyle. If you have not made your decision yet I could give you my 2 cents on the topic, just having gone through UAB's Optometry program and also having some interatction with students from SCO and Ohio State. I would lean toward SCO but both are great schools.
good luck and let me know if you want to talk.

climber said...

send me an email with your phone number

kat and jason said...

hi!! by the way-i'm from columbus ohio--if you have any questions about where good places are let me know. good luck.

Jamie said...

Hey Ashley. Good luck making your decision, if you haven't made it yet. I can totally understand your impatience to move on, and I'm excited to see what you do with a place of your own! You are so talented that way, you'll have to post lots of pics.

The Thompson Family said...

Hey ash! It was good to see you after so long. I finally started a blog so if you get a chance check it out. It is pretty boring compared to yours:) Good luck on the decision making, you guys will have fun no matter what!