Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My husband is so HOT!!!

Here is Todd on his dirt motorcycle. We have really loved having this to cruise around on and because its better for gas since prices are insane lately. Unfortunately, we are going to sell it before we move out of state. We figure we won't be using it that often so we may as well sell it. When Todd is done with school he wants to get himself a nice cruiser motorcycle. Well see what happens.
I just love my hubby, he is so cute. How did I get so lucky????

1 comment:

Rick & Amber said...

We've always wanted a motorcycle, but never got one. Now with 2 kids that would be kinda hard. I'm so glad you found our blog. They are so fun. It's fun to see what you 2 are up to. It's hard to keep in touch with so many people when life pulls you in different directions. congrats on your upcoming move. Exciting! We'll keep checkin' in.